Innovative UX/UI design

Key to successful digital transformation

With a full team of UX/UI experts

Design specialised in the financial sector

IRF Solutions offers UX/UI design services based on its experience in the financial and large enterprise sector. Our goal is to ensure that our clients and their partners can use the websites, web and mobile applications we design quickly, easily and efficiently. We use our experience to help our clients through the digital transformation process to ensure their solutions are intuitive, user-friendly and effective.

Personalised design

Throughout the design process, we work closely with our clients to fully understand their needs and expectations, enabling us to provide unique and personalised UX/UI design solutions for each project. We support our clients through their digital transformation, ensuring that their solutions are user-friendly, intuitive and effective.

UX-UI design technology

At the forefront of user experience with modern tools


Our designers routinely use Figma, a versatile, browser-based design tool, to prototype and wireframe. By leveraging Figma's real-time collaboration capabilities, developers can easily share designs for our clients to comment on.


Our staff regularly use InVision, a web-based design tool and prototyping platform that allows designers to easily and quickly create interactive prototypes and share them with team members and clients. InVision helps teams with workflow management, commenting and feedback gathering.


Our team uses Balsamiq to create quick and easy-to-use wire-frames and mockups, which is particularly useful in the early design phase. Balsamiq's drag-and-drop interface is simple and intuitive, ideal for quickly visualising ideas and collaborating between teams.


Our designers also use the macOS-optimised Sketch platform, which provides simple yet powerful tools for designing user interfaces and prototypes. Sketch also allows for real-time collaboration and sharing, so our clients can actively participate in the design process and provide immediate feedback.


Our staff uses CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to create stylish, responsive and cross-platform web interfaces. CSS is used to ensure a consistent and coherent look and feel across all devices and browsers.


Our team uses HTML5 as the latest web content structure and presentation standard, allowing them to create semantic and interactive websites. With HTML5, our designers can more easily create responsive and accessible websites that enhance the user experience.


Our designers routinely use Figma, a versatile, browser-based design tool, to prototype and wireframe. By leveraging Figma's real-time collaboration capabilities, developers can easily share designs for our clients to comment on.


Our staff regularly use InVision, a web-based design tool and prototyping platform that allows designers to easily and quickly create interactive prototypes and share them with team members and clients. InVision helps teams with workflow management, commenting and feedback gathering.


Our team uses Balsamiq to create quick and easy-to-use wire-frames and mockups, which is particularly useful in the early design phase. Balsamiq's drag-and-drop interface is simple and intuitive, ideal for quickly visualising ideas and collaborating between teams.


Our designers also use the macOS-optimised Sketch platform, which provides simple yet powerful tools for designing user interfaces and prototypes. Sketch also allows for real-time collaboration and sharing, so our clients can actively participate in the design process and provide immediate feedback.


Our staff uses CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to create stylish, responsive and cross-platform web interfaces. CSS is used to ensure a consistent and coherent look and feel across all devices and browsers.


Our team uses HTML5 as the latest web content structure and presentation standard, allowing them to create semantic and interactive websites. With HTML5, our designers can more easily create responsive and accessible websites that enhance the user experience.


Csapattagjaink kiválóan ismerik a JavaScript nyelvet és gyakran alkalmazzák a webes fejlesztési projektekben az interaktív és dinamikus weboldalak létrehozásához. A modern webes fejlesztési gyakorlatokat és legjobb módszereket alkalmazzuk, hogy kódbázisunk mindig naprakész és karbantartható legyen.

Correct methodologies

Using the right methodologies is the foundation for efficiency and quality

Wireframe design

During wireframe design, we develop the foundation of the digital product, including content layout and navigation. Our team works closely with our clients early in the design process, identifying and addressing issues early, minimising development costs and time.

UX testing

IRF Solutions is committed to UX testing as it is essential for excellent user experience and product success. We refine the design by engaging real users, ensuring that it meets the needs of the target audience, and fix any issues that arise in the user interface during testing.

UI design

Appearance and brand identity are key to a product's success. We aim to deliver an engaging visual experience, in line with the brand's style. IRF Solutions' design team can build a new brand identity from scratch, based on an existing brand style guide.

Design example

UX/UI design of a customer service web application for a health insurance company in mobile and desktop view

Project objective

The primary goal of the design and application development is to facilitate convenient and fast customer transactions on both mobile and desktop platforms.

Mapping user needs

Drawing on IRF Solutions' domain knowledge, the project team refined user needs and developed the required user stories and typical personas.

Figma design and client coordination

From the very first designs, the team used Figma to create detailed mobile and desktop views. The design process involved several rounds of agile consultation with the client to ensure that the solution met their expectations and fit with the health insurance brand identity.

Ease of use and security requirements

During the design phase, we placed great emphasis on the ease of use of the application, with clean and transparent interfaces and intuitive navigation. Compliance with strict privacy and security standards was an important consideration.

Refining designs and improving based on feedback

Based on several rounds of client reviews and UX tests, the design team refined and improved the look and feel. The approved design allows health insurance customers to transact quickly and conveniently with an outstanding user experience on both mobile and desktop devices.

Successful project completion

The application, which resulted from the development based on the UX/UI design, contributed to the satisfaction of the health fund's customers and helped to increase digital transactions. IRF Solutions team successfully completed the project, which further strengthened the health fund's position in the sector.


IT stuff augmentation for projects

Optimal cost, maximum results

Our service is the perfect solution for companies to temporarily or permanently expand their expert resources, complementing their own IT team. IRF Solutions' team of experienced and respected professionals can immediately get involved in ongoing projects and add value by contributing new expertise, technical knowledge and fresh perspectives to the development process.

Tailor-made solutions

Whether you need a single expert or a whole team, we can customize a solution to your needs and budget. Our experts add value to projects, speeding up implementation while minimizing risks and costs. IRF Solutions strives to provide you with the highest level of expertise and professionalism.

Guaranteed quality

High quality UX/UI design reduces the need for development phase inputs

Detailed research and data collection

IRF Solutions' design team conducts in-depth research at the start of the project, including analysis of market trends, competitors, and gathering user feedback. This information helps to create accurate user stories and personas, which form the basis of the design process.

A personalized approach

IRF Solutions design team understands that every project is unique and has specific needs. That's why we take a unique, personalized approach creating user stories and personas, guaranteeing the most optimal results for each project.

Collaborative work

Designers, developers, product managers and other stakeholders work closely together to develop user stories and personas. This collaborative work ensures that all stakeholders are aware of user needs and expectations, which helps to create a flawless end product.

Agile design process

The design team uses an agile design methodology, which allows us to respond quickly to evolving user needs and project-specific requirements. User stories and personas are dynamically updated to ensure the best decisions are made at every stage of the design process.

Top methodologies in practice

IRF Solutions design team strives to apply the latest technologies and solutions to every project, ensuring the highest possible quality of finished products and services. Drawing on our specific domain knowledge and project experience, we use our expertise to deliver UX/UI design solutions that add significant value to website visitors and web application users.

Related services

Frontend development

IRF Solutions' frontend development services guarantee not only a stunning experience but also a successful online presence.
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Backend development

High-performance, scalable and secure server-side solutions to keep your applications running smoothly.
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Devops infrastructure development

Infrastructure, development and operations optimization for faster, more efficient and continuous software development and deployment.
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Webapp development

We offer custom responsive web application design and implementation using state-of-the-art technologies and frameworks.
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Website Building

We offer the creation of professional, responsive and search engine optimized websites that perfectly serve our clients' business goals.
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Resource provisioning

Our service will increase the efficiency and capabilities of your IT team. We help you to respond faster to changes, new technologies and business needs.
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Our team

Knowledge and collaboration

Our versatile and dedicated team

IRF Solutions is proud on its versatile, creative and results-oriented staff, who work together on a wide variety of projects across the industry. UX/UI designers, frontend and backend developers, quality assurance testers, product and project managers make up the coordinated team that is the key to effective and successful projects.

Collaborating experts

The team of experts at IRF Solutions is always collaborative and thinks together to deliver projects. Communication and collaboration are essential elements of the workflow that help to manage projects effectively and achieve successful results.


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IRF Solutions Ltd.
25. Angyalföldi str., 1134 Budapest, Hungary.
Company registration number: 01-09-363158
Tax number: 10953363-2-41
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